Speaker Series: Photographer Brina Bunt
Brina Bunt brought her foster wallaby to our conversation about a career as a veterinarian. The furry and cuddly animal was the hit of the show! We loved hearing about Brina’s adventures around the world, her impressive career path, and her current patients. She had just finished operating on a python and assured us he would soon be ready to return to the wild!
Do you have an animal lover in your house? Don’t miss the interview! You can find it here: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/VctdUPF40_wVAq7htGLyp34wdPCWMO4QnrRf03B0ZQenJbb1aC9EFr0W5p0s5Feg.gD2qyKi4rNMHw4h6
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