Summer Reading Program

Books are like mirrors, they help us reflect what we observe and know about the world we live in. Books are like windows when they allow readers a view of stories and lives that are different then their own.  Books can be like sliding glass doors when transported into the world of story and when they feel empathy for characters. 

Youth members of the Foreign Service Youth Foundation (FSYF) and Hemispheres Academy (HA) are invited to participate in a global summer reading program.  HA and FSYF will host a virtual launch party, inviting kids to participate in the Summer Reading Program (SRP).  The launch party will enable participants to learn more about the program’s goals and parameters.  It will feature the participation of an EFM author who will share excerpts from one of her/his books.  For those who are currently living in the DMV, FSYF also will host an in-person SRP launch with a June 22nd visit to Planet Word (stay tuned for more details!).  

Kids will have the summer to read books of their choice.  Prizes will be awarded to winners who complete certain milestones.  All children who log a reading achievement in the program will receive a Hemispheres Academy bookmark.  

Readers also will have an opportunity to provide reviews of books they’ve read.  Any child who does so will be entered into a drawing for an E-reader.  All book reviews will be shared with participants and posted on the FSYF/Hemispheres websites. 

Lastly, readers will be invited/encouraged to put together their lists of favorite books.  These lists may be shared with other readers on the FSYF and HA websites.  Any child who compiles a favorites list will be entered into a drawing for an E-reader.

Why read in the summer?

  • Keeps those brains active while school is out!

  • Expands a child’s working vocabulary 

  • Encourages social emotional learning

  • Reading practice improves reading fluency abd comprehension skills

  • Develops the habit to become a lifelong learner

How to join:

Hemispheres Academy

Hemispheres Academy is virtual education built on student centered learning. We are a flexible and personalized global community for Grades 2-12.

A non-profit designed specifically for Foreign Service and other globally-mobile families, we provide a home for international students seeking excellence, stability, and community.

Summer 2024 Reading Suggestions


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