Hemispheres Academy is the online school for you if…

Wondering if your child is a good fit for Hemispheres Academy?

We are a great option for:

  • High-achieving students looking for a challenging environment

  • Students who need additional help, time, or assistance with classwork

  • Families transitioning between posts and looking for an uninterrupted year

  • Families spending time in the Southern Hemisphere who prefer to stay on the Northern Hemisphere schedule (or vice versa)

  • College-bound students seeking entrance to excellent institutions

  • Homeschooling students looking to connect with students around the world in a virtual homeroom

  • Homeschooling students looking for specific accredited online classes

  • Students looking for an accepting and supportive environment

  • Gifted and Talented students looking for extension classes or planning to take courses at higher grade levels

  • Students and families who need a flexible schedule

Is this you or your family? Let's talk!

Hemispheres Academy

Hemispheres Academy is virtual education built on student centered learning. We are a flexible and personalized global community for Grades 2-12.

A non-profit designed specifically for Foreign Service and other globally-mobile families, we provide a home for international students seeking excellence, stability, and community.


Summer Reading Program


Avoid Tug of War with Your Child