AP Courses While Overseas

This year, we are excited to welcome several new students taking individual classes. We offer accredited U.S. History classes for expats. We also offer a selection of Advanced Placement classes in a flexible, independent study model with a teacher-coach.

Our AP course selection is very popular as students are looking to get a jump start into working towards AP Scholar Awards. Students can take these classes during an open period at school, during the evenings and weekends, or during vacations. Families must register for the exam through the College Board independently (most posts have an AP testing center). Contact us at admin@hemispheresacademy.org for more information. These are the courses we currently offer:

Hemispheres Academy

Hemispheres Academy is virtual education built on student centered learning. We are a flexible and personalized global community for Grades 2-12.

A non-profit designed specifically for Foreign Service and other globally-mobile families, we provide a home for international students seeking excellence, stability, and community.


Speaker Series: College Consultant Rebecca Grappo


Together Through Books: Indigenous People’s Day 2024