Supporting Families in Transition

The world today is navigating through a complex period, where our international based community is faced with even greater challenges and uncertainties. Recent events have shown both immediate needs and long- term global challenges.  We want to reiterate that Hemispheres Academy is a place for families to come together in the spirit of collaboration, support and solidarity.  It is the shared human experience and compassion that brings people together.

Our cohorts are designed to enable children opportunities to share, learn from each other, and have opportunities to help process experiences. Our first upcoming Parent Coffee will be an avenue for adults to share and help us all understand the changes within our world and how we can best support one another. Our focus will be on how we support those in transition.

In addition, here are some resources to help us support our children:

  • When Someone You Love Is Feeling Blue by Eileen Kennedy-Moore – Helps kids understand and talk about family members’ stress.

  • A Kids Book About Anxiety by Ross Szabo – A simple and direct guide to handling worries.

  • What to Do When You Worry Too Much by Dawn Huebner – A workbook for kids to manage anxiety.

  • 5 Essential Steps to Help Kids Cope with Stress 

  • Stress Relief For Kids - 9 Daily Habits to Reduce Stress

  • Stress Stinks workbook, appropriate for younger children, but we’ve had fun using it too

  • I Can Cope with Stress, one-page worksheet

  • Tips for Managing Stress, for older students and adults that includes signs of stress and practical actions to take

Job Separation or Family Transition?

We know families are facing uncertainty and transition in the coming months. If you are looking for a school solution, please contact us. We are committed to helping our community. We can offer classes at our cost. We are also offering our student cohorts (one hour a day for four days a week) for any families choosing to homeschool.

Hemispheres Academy

Hemispheres Academy is virtual education built on student centered learning. We are a flexible and personalized global community for Grades 2-12.

A non-profit designed specifically for Foreign Service and other globally-mobile families, we provide a home for international students seeking excellence, stability, and community.

Speaker Series: Dr. Lauren Steed


Together Through Books: Black History Month